To use this API, you must first create an application. When your application is created, you will receive a VCC API key. This key must be included in the header of each request sent to the API.
Visit your account page to create or view applications.
-H 'vcc-api-key: <your-vcc-api-key>'
This API implements the OAuth2 framework. An access token must be included in the header of each request sent to the API.
Visit the authorisation page for more information.
-H 'authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>'
Status codes
Below all the status codes which the API can return are described.
Status code | Description |
Status code 200 OK | Description Indicates a successful request. |
Status code 400 Bad Request | Description Error code which indicates that the update did not pass the validation rules defined in the Open API spec or an invalid json payload was sent. |
Status code 401 Unauthorized | Description Error code which usually indicate and error with either the VCC-API-key or Bearer token, check the error message for details. |
Status code 403 Resource Forbidden | Description Error code which usually indicates that there are scopes missing in the Bearer token, check the error message for details. |
Status code 404 Not found | Description Error code which indicates that the resource could not be found, the description can contain a reason for the response. |
Status code 406 Not Acceptable | Description Error code which indicates that an invalid mediatype was sent in the Accept header. |
Status code 415 Unsupported Media Type | Description Error code which indicates that an invalid mediatype was sent in the Content-Type header, only applicable on endpoints where a request body is sent (e.g POST/PUT endpoints). |
Status code 422 Unprocessable Entity | Description Error code which indicates that the update passes the validation rules defined in the Open API spec but fails against the internal business rules, an example would be when an invalid value for zoneinfo is sent. |
Status code 500 Internal Server Error | Description Error Code which indicate that something went wrong when processing the request, check the error message for details. |
Status code 502 Bad Gateway | Description Error Code which indicate that something went wrong when calling the API. |
Error handling
Sometime things go wrong, in such cases the API will in addition to the error code return a message body containing information about the error.
Field | Description |
Field exveErrorId | Description The Id of the error, this is the same as the HTTP status codes. |
Field exveErrorMsg | Description A message explaining what went wrong. |
Field exveNote | Description A more in detail message. |
Field exveErrorRef | Description Currently not used, will in the future contain a link to where you can read more in detail about the error and possible fixes. |
"exveErrorId": 0,
"exveErrorMsg": "string",
"exveNote": "string",
"exveErrorRef": "string"
Debugging errors
If the error message from the request body doesn't provide enough information for troubleshooting, you can contact us at
Before contacting us, please include a UUID in the vcc-api-operationId header of the problematic API request. This will help us locate your requests in our systems. If a vcc-api-operationId is not provided in a request, a UUID will automatically be generated for the request.
The vcc-api-operationId header will also always be returned in the response as a header with the same name.
-H 'vcc-api-operationId: <UUID>'