APIs/Energy APIVersion 1
APIs/Energy APIVersion 1
Electric range
Get electric range
Provides the latest retrieved electric range for a specific vehicle. It indicates the estimated distance that the vehicle can travel on its current battery charge. The electric range is represented in kilometers (km).
Key | Description |
Key accept | Description The mediatype of what should be returned. The valid values are: application/vnd.volvocars.api.energy.vehicledata.v1+json |
Key authorization | Description The access token issued by Volvo ID identity system. |
Key vcc-api-key | Description Your application’s VCC API Key. |
All these header values are mandatory. They must exist in every request.
Response body
The response’s data node lists the vehicle’s latest estimated distance to empty in kilometers while parked.
Field | Description |
Field electricRange.value | Description The latest retrieved range. |
Field electricRange.unit | Description Always kilometers. |
Field electricRange.timestamp | Description Timestamp in ISO-8601 format when the value was last retrieved from the vehicle. |
curl -X GET 'https://api.volvocars.com/energy/v1/vehicles/{vin}/recharge-status/electric-range' \
-H 'accept: application/vnd.volvocars.api.energy.vehicledata.v1+json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>' \
-H 'vcc-api-key: <your-vcc-api-key>'